Latest Release

The Last King

Check out the latest entry of the Silent Mind Trilogy, The Last King. 


E.G. Shamis is an imaginative author with a collection of captivating short stories. You may sample those stories on this website, which has been created as a place for creativity and whimsy, absolutely free! 

If you like what you read, feel free to share, and if you feel so inclined, consider donating to help fund E.G. Shamis’ insatiable cravings for Reese’s chocolate custard.

In the heart of the city, amidst the ruins that had once been a seat of power, the last king held court.

The Wizard's Son

The Wizard’s Son is a story about…

The Wizards Son. A old western looking town backdrop with a scraggly, bespectacled old man, who looks like a sheriff standing in the forefront.

The Souls We Left Behind

The Souls We Left Behind is a story about…

The Souls We Left Behind. A shadowy figure emerges from the mist.

The Last King

The Last King is a story about…

The Last King. A lonely throne sits under a dark arch inside a stony keep.


Parasite is a story about…

Parasite. A picture of a head with a view inside the brain which is secretly inhabited by a parasite.