For the love of reading...​


Whether as a wife, mother of 4, personal trainer, a student, or writer, E.G. Shamis puts her heart into everything that she does. Reading has always been a passion, but writing in particular captures her imagination, and she draws inspiration from her own dreams.

With a desire to expound upon the story ideas she had collected over the years, E.G. Shamis began putting pen to paper. From there grew a desire to share her stories with anyone who might listen. 

Sharing these stories has become a new kind of dream, and the goal of reaching others who will appreciate her uniquely creative writing style is her mission.

If you share a love of reading, then join her on this journey, delving into the minds of dreamers, and the worlds they create.

The Souls We Left Behind

The Souls We Left Behind is a story about…

The Souls We Left Behind. A shadowy figure emerges from the mist.

The Last King

The Last King is a story about…

The Last King. A lonely throne sits under a dark arch inside a stony keep.


Parasite is a story about…

Parasite. A picture of a head with a view inside the brain which is secretly inhabited by a parasite.

The Wizard's Son

The Wizard’s Son is a story about…

The Wizards Son. A old western looking town backdrop with a scraggly, bespectacled old man, who looks like a sheriff standing in the forefront.